“Delivering veterinary assurance and bespoke solutions for working animals and associated professionals”
Founded in 2021, Veterinary Task Force Ltd. (VTF) is a veterinary services company with a focus on, but not limited to, the operational working dog community. VTF headquarters is located in the United Kingdom but our services span across the globe. VTF provides CPD-certified working dog first aid training, ‘fit for duty’ assessments and specialist first aid kits under the banner of veterinary assurance and alongside providing operational planning support. Our services are also ideal for organisations offering humanitarian and expeditionary operations abroad. Our professional expertise and access to unique resources mean we can create a bespoke solution right for you.
For working dogs specifically, veterinary assurance will enhance their wellbeing and provide each organisation with the confidence to know they are providing them with the best veterinary care possible for their needs. This in turn, will optimise operational effectiveness. Our experience with working dogs means that we understand their specific needs, and know how to manage them in training, operational and clinical settings so they can have the most productive and healthy working lives. We can deliver anything from a one-off canine first aid session right through to an annualised assurance package.